Assembly Linker
The Assembly Linker generates a file with an assembly manifest from one or more files that are either modules or resource files. A module is a Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) file that doesn't have an assembly manifest. All Visual Studio compilers produce assemblies. However, if you have one or more modules (metadata without a manifest), you can use Al.exe creates an assembly with the manifest in a separate file.
Following examples shows a delay sigining using Assembly Linker
Al.exe Sample1.netmodule, Sample2.netmodule /delaysign+ /Keyfile:SamplePublicKey.snk /out:SignedSample.exe
Installer tool
Installutill.exe is used to install the assemblies which contain additional component resources. This tool works in conjunction with classes in System.Configuration.Install namespace. This tool performs installation in the transactional manner. If one of the assemblies fails to install, it roll backs the installation of all the assemblies. For example, this tool can be used when installing a window service.
To install the resourse in assembly Assembly1.dll, you need to execute the following command:
Installutil.exe Assembly1.dll
Native Image Generator
The Native Image Generator creates a native image from a managed assembly and installs it into the native image cache on the local computer. The native image cache is a reserved area of the GAC. Once you create a native image for an assembly, the runtime automatically uses that native image each time it runs the assembly.
Following example create native image of C:\MyApplication\bin\Assembly1.dll in current native image cache.
Ngen.exe /silent C:\MyApplication\bin\Assembly1.exe
Following examples create native image for assembly which directly reference to other assemblies. You must supply fully specified names of the references assemblies. ILDASM.EXE tool can be used to get fully specified assembly name.
Ngen.exe Assembly1.exe "myLibOne, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0038abc9deabfle5", "myLibTwo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0038abc9deabfle5"
Assembly Binding Log Viewer
Fuslogvw.exe tool display details for assembly bind. This information is very useful in case of failure in loading assembly due to location/culture mismatch.
This command line utility is useful for adding/removing the assemblies from GAC in the automated environment.
Following example list all the assemblies in GAC
Gacutil.exe /l
Following example uninstall assembly from GAC
Gacutil.exe /u RandomNumberGenerator
Following example uninstall a specific version and culture of assembly from GAC
gacutil /u hello, Version=, Culture="de",PublicKeyToken=45e343aae32233ca
Following example install list of assemblies from a file
gacutil /il assemblyList.txt
Type Library Importer
COM components do not have manifest file embedded in assembly itself, instead meta data is stored in separate Type Library. A type library can be a separate file or it can be embedded within another file. Type Library Importer tool (tlbimp.exe) can make a RCW component from meta data stored in Type Library.
Tlbimp.exe MyCustomerCOM.dll /out:MyCustomerNET.dll
The Web Services Discover Tool (disco.exe) retrieves the discovery document if the web services includes a static discovery document (.disco file). The .disco file is an XML file containing useful URLs. These include the URL for the WSDL file describing the service, the URL for the documentation of the service, and the URL to which SOAP messages should be sent.
disco.exe http://localhost/MyWebservice/service1.asmx /out:MyWebSerDocs
It generates two files, first is service1.wsdl and other is results.discomap. Wsdl is a XML file which contains description of interfaces of web services.
This tool is used to generate web proxy class from wsdl file. In can be understand in this way that output of disco.exe is input of wsdl.exe.
Wsdl.exe service1.wsdl
Wsdl.exe results.discomap ---------------------------------------------------