Monday, May 26, 2008

.NET Regex Balanced Grouping

Last time when I tried to understand balanced grouping from MSDN, it hurt my brain badly. Thanks to this guy, though he is not .NET coder, he explained balanced grouping very nicely. A must read for Regex lovers.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Google plays foul

Google hands over user information

Personally, I feel, if you don't like someone, you should not criticize him in filthy language. Being in democracy doesn't mean you strike someone below the belt, specially when someone is top public figure. In 110 crore population, all may not happy with Sonia's government. People should express their view in ethical way.

Whats wrong with Google. I am agree that boy should have not used foul language, but who gives rights to Google to hand over the information. This was not any terrorist activity. If Google thinks, user is using foul language, he should have simple blocked the user. Activity done by Google, simply indicates that they have nothing to do with providing a free social networking platform to public, its all about BUSINESS, its all about getting POWER, its all about MONEY. I read somewhere IBM helped Nazis in holocaust by providing data of Jews population. Google has not done that bad right!!! Well done Google!!.